Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

We've started a new tradition at the Manhattan Beach Marriott! Gingerbread house contest! The results are still to come, but enjoy pictures of our house in the meantime!
(Rachel Uchitel not included).

Sunday, December 13, 2009



Due to the rain and consequential flooding, the Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Course has been closed. Whether or not the course is open is a day-by-day decision. Please call (310) 939 1465 to check if the course is open for business.


-Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Everyone at the Pro Shop wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope you aren't too full of turkey to get back out on the course.
So come on down and burn off some of those calories!

Happy Thanksgiving!

-Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club
(Image courtesy of

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Golf Department Wins Annual Carving Contest!

The Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club beat out all other departments in this Halloween's annual pumpkin carving contest. Guests judged the pumpkins in the lobby and voted the "Goofy Golfing Green Monster" the winner!

Second place went to the Banquets Department.

Third place went to the Front Desk.

For pictures of all the pumpkins, please see the Manhattan Beach Marriott's blog at

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Second Annual Children's Miracle Network Shotgun Golf Tournament

If you swung by the course Friday the 25th and wished it was open, we apologize; we were making other dreams come true. Charitable golfers gathered at the Manhattan Beach Marriott golf course on the 25th to play in the Children’s Miracle Network Shot Gun Golf Tournament benefitting premier children’s hospitals in North America. Click here for more photos. Spending an average of $100 per person, Manhattan and other Beach locals converged upon the course for a barbequeing, swimming, bidding and most importantly, golfing. "The best thing about tournaments like these is the fellowship," Mark Rose, director of marketing at the Marriott, said. "I shot one over, and everyone had a good time."
For full story, see the third edition of The Tee Times golf newsletter.

See you on the course,

-Manhattan Beach Golf Club

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Golfing Has Gone Digital!

Too busy to make a phone call?
No problem!
Book your tee time online now.
Simply visit
You can e-mail us and book your tee time!

See you on the course,

-Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club

Beautiful Tee Boxes!

We are happy to announce that all tee boxes are repaired and the course is in pristine condition!

Stop by and inquire about our 10-Play Card!

See you on the course,

-Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club

Friday, September 18, 2009

Attention: Tee Box Construction

Note to all golfers:
Several of the tee boxes on the course are currently under construction. Plan your golf trips accordingly.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

CMN Tournament on Sept. 25

Please note that the golf shop will close on September 25 at 12:00 p.m. due to an annual event. We will be taking tee times prior to 12:00 p.m.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Second Newsletter Release

The Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club has released its second monthly newsletter.

This time around, new deals are available for the Marriott golfer as well as good news about cart rentals. Check it out by clicking on the images above.

Say It Ain't So

On TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, the Pro Shop will be closed until 12 p.m.

The Junior Golf Camp will be tackling the course at this time, so the golf course won't officially be open for tee times until about 1:00 P.M.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Golf Goes Green

(Photos courtesy of Heather Perry)
The Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club proudly announces the beginning of a new era — a green era. The West Basin Municipal Water District held a ceremony at the Marriott on July 1 to congratulate the course on using recycled water rather than potable water. This will save California 16.3 million gallons of drinking water.

Julie Sharp of the Beach Reporter covered the valve-turning ceremony.

Manhattan Beach City Council members along with Manhattan Beach Marriott management and representatives of the West Basin Municipal Water District came together for a valve-turning ceremony July 1 on the Marriott’s golf course to commemorate the switch from potable to recycled water to irrigate the greens. A hotel golf course in Manhattan Beach will save millions of gallons of drinking water each year with its recent switch to sprinkling the greens with recycled water.Over the last year, the Manhattan Beach Marriott has been working on the conversion with the West Basin Municipal Water District to connect with its water recycling plant in El Segundo, the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility. Here, wastewater that would otherwise be discharged into the ocean is treated so it is suitable for irrigation and poses no danger to wildlife, thereby conserving drinking water purchased and imported from the Colorado River.The conversion for the Marriott’s 20-acre, nine-hole golf course came one day before the city’s new water conservation ordinance went into effect July 2.The city’s ordinance regulates when landscapes are to be watered, in order to monitor enforcement, and for what period of time, in efforts to keep consumption down because of the statewide water shortage. Also, the MWD is requiring all of its recipients, including Manhattan Beach, to use 10 percent less or supply costs will increase.Marriott Marketing Director Mark Rose said the course can still be watered daily in the off hours as needed to keep it green, and will not violate the city’s ordinance since it is not using potable, or drinkable, water. “That’s 16.3 million gallons of drinking water each year that we will not be using,” said Rose, referring to the recycled water conversion.The decrease in the use of drinking water to irrigate the golf course offsets the city’s mandated reduction of water use by 10 percent, according to city Utilities Manager Raul Saenz. Residents and businesses following the water conservation ordinance are to make up the rest of the mandated decrease in water consumption.The MWD built the El Segundo recycling plant in 1992 and has about 70 miles of pipeline in place to distribute recycled water throughout the coastal Los Angeles area. In Manhattan Beach, pipeline runs mostly along Marine Avenue and Valley Drive, feeding recycled water into 34 different sites.Saenz said recycled water is used throughout the city at parks, such as Polliwog Park and Live Oak Park, at school fields, on some medians and along the greenbelt. The watering of these areas will not be affected by the ordinance, as recycled water does not fall under the same regulations as potable water.“The grass in these areas will remain green, though they will be watered less,” said Saenz. He also said the city will be posting signs where recycled water is used so the community is aware, and to hopefully avoid concerns that the city is violating its own potable water ordinance.Recycled water released from the El Segundo facility begins with wastewater reaching the sewage treatment Hyperion Plant where solids are removed. Tiny dirt-eating microorganisms are added and the water is filtered through layers of anthracite coal, sand and gravel. Then disinfectants such as chlorine are added to kill germs. The West Basin Municipal Water District Web site said the process makes the water ready for use in landscape irrigation and also stated that by expanding the use of recycled water, drinking water supplies are conserved.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Please note that next THURSDAY, JULY 16TH, the course will be CLOSED until 3:00 P.M.

If you have any questions please call (310) 939-1465.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Junior Camp Calendar

The Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club is hosting a Junior Golf Camp this summer. From noon until 1p.m., a group of pint-sized golfers will be playing on the course. For more information on the Junior Golf Camp organized by Golf Experience International, call (310) 939-1466 or visit

Check the calendar above to see the dates that the golfing tikes will be here.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Tee Times Golf Newsletter: Nick's Statistics

If you signed up in the Pro Shop for our newsletter, than you should have received your first copy in your e-mail, hot off the press!

Here are the answers to Nick's Statistics:

1) True; out of 14 U.S. Open appearances, Justin Leonard never finished in the top ten.

2) Justin Leonard's best finish in any U.S. Open Tournament was in 2003 at Bethpage. He finished in 12th place.

Thanks for your support!

Monday, June 8, 2009

American Loyalty to Golf Dissipates

Oh, golfer, American golfer — where for art thou golfer?
According to National Golf Foundation's annual golf participation study, Americans' involvement in the sport of golf has dropped. Big time.
As listed on, the amount of U.S. golfers has plunged from 29.5 million in 2007 to 28.6 million in 2008.
The ailing American economy certainly has played a role in this sudden downturn apparently.
"Given the badly battered economy, most American industries would have accepted a mere three percent drop in the number of customers," Keith Carter, managing editor of Golf Inc. Magazine, said in an e-mail blast on May 22. "And a closer examination of the number of golfers shows that most of the loss is attributable to a significant drop in 'core' golfers; those who play eight or more rounds a year."
Given this sudden news, what better way to rectify the current golfing crisis than a round of golf at the Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Course?
Come on down!
Deals and coupons to be available very shortly in newsletter.

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson

You may have never heard of George Merrick, but you may know his grandson.
Third season PGA Tour Pro John Merrick's grandfather frequents the Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club's course, and has for years.
George Merrick plays at the course weekly, so rubbing shoulders with golf royalty is a possibility at the Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club.
Although Golf Pro John Merrick did not take the Master's title from Angel Cabrera at the recent tournament in 2009, one thing is for sure: he shot 6 under par, and that isn't anything to sniff at. He tied for sixth place and was consequently invited to the first major next year.
Tune into the U.S. Open to see John Merrick compete in New York at Bethpage Black.
Updates to continue with this story as it develops. Source material includes California Golf News & Travel Magazine.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Newsletter Coming Soon!

Greetings fellow golf enthusiasts!
The Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club is proud to announce the upcoming release of its very own newsletter, complete with fun facts, golf history, up-to-date events and COUPONS!

See you on the tee soon!

Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Club

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Manhattan Beach Golf Course

A few shots of our beautiful course -located at the Manhattan Beach Marriott Hotel.