Monday, June 8, 2009

American Loyalty to Golf Dissipates

Oh, golfer, American golfer — where for art thou golfer?
According to National Golf Foundation's annual golf participation study, Americans' involvement in the sport of golf has dropped. Big time.
As listed on, the amount of U.S. golfers has plunged from 29.5 million in 2007 to 28.6 million in 2008.
The ailing American economy certainly has played a role in this sudden downturn apparently.
"Given the badly battered economy, most American industries would have accepted a mere three percent drop in the number of customers," Keith Carter, managing editor of Golf Inc. Magazine, said in an e-mail blast on May 22. "And a closer examination of the number of golfers shows that most of the loss is attributable to a significant drop in 'core' golfers; those who play eight or more rounds a year."
Given this sudden news, what better way to rectify the current golfing crisis than a round of golf at the Manhattan Beach Marriott Golf Course?
Come on down!
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